
Dual study programme: Motion Makers of Tomorrow.

Dual study programme: Motion Makers of Tomorrow.

Dual study programme: Motion Makers of Tomorrow.

Dual study programme: Motion Makers of Tomorrow.

Duales Studium: So werden aus jungen Talenten die Motion Makers von morgen.

Ob Kaufmann oder Ingenieurin: Bei FAURNDAU finden ambitionierte junge Menschen ein optimales Umfeld für den Karrierestart.

Das duale Studium bietet die Möglichkeit, theoretisches Wissen praktisch umzusetzen und Stück für Stück in der Berufswelt Fuß zu fassen. So haben Bewerberinnen und Bewerber die Chance, ein Studium in Elektrotechnik, BWL oder Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen mit FAURNDAU als dualem Partner anzutreten.

Dual studies: This is how young talents become the motion makers of tomorrow.

Whether businessman or engineer: At FAURNDAU, ambitious young people find an optimal environment for starting their careers.

The dual study programme offers the opportunity to put theoretical knowledge into practice and gradually gain a foothold in the professional world. Applicants have the opportunity to study electrical engineering, business administration or industrial engineering with FAURNDAU as their dual partner.

Let's get in touch

Let's get in touch

Location Göppingen

Your trustworthy partner for individual new products and service, a wide range of services as well as repairs and spare parts:

Antriebssysteme FAURNDAU GmbH

Goethestr. 45

73035 Göppingen-Faurndau


Phone: +49 (0) 7161 2000-0

Fax: +49 (0) 7161 2000-11

Location Göppingen

Your trustworthy partner for individual new products and service, a wide range of services as well as repairs and spare parts:

Antriebssysteme FAURNDAU GmbH

Goethestr. 45

73035 Göppingen-Faurndau


Phone: +49 (0) 7161 2000-0

Fax: +49 (0) 7161 2000-11

Location Göppingen

Your trustworthy partner for individual new products and service, a wide range of services as well as repairs and spare parts:

Antriebssysteme FAURNDAU GmbH

Goethestr. 45

73035 Göppingen-Faurndau


Phone: +49 (0) 7161 2000-0

Fax: +49 (0) 7161 2000-11

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